CSE Certification
The first international sustainability certification for the eyewear industry.
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What is CSE
CSE - Certified Sustainable Eyewear is a product environmental qualification label for the eyewear sector issued by ANFAO, the Italian Association of Optical Goods Manufacturers. CSE certifies the sustainability of eyewear and its components according to a set of selective requirements that take into account the impact of the product throughout its life cycle.
CSE certification has three levels of labelling:
If Gold level is reached on at least 80% of the Criteria - SILVER
If Gold or Silver level is achieved on at least 80% of the Criteria - BRONZE
If Gold, Silver or Bronze level is achieved on at least 80% of the Criteria

The General Rules and Criteria are based on ISO 14024 'Environmental Labelling'.
3 Years
3 Levels
Why CSE certification
Anticipating European and international policies on product environmental sustainability
Objectives of CSE Certification
The conception of CSE certification stems from the objective of contributing to a reduction in the environmental impacts associated with eyewear products by identifying products that meet specific criteria of overall environmental preferability.
Promoting the demand and supply of more environmentally friendly products and services
CSE certification is supported by a blockchain infrastructure that securely tracks every step of the certification process, guaranteeing its validity and authenticity. This eliminates any possibility of counterfeiting and gives consumers the peace of mind that they are making an informed choice.

Who can certify CSE?
CSE certification addresses all actors in the supply chain, from raw material suppliers to manufacturing companies, so that everyone can adhere to the label. Specific product criteria are developed for each category.
Main technical criteria
La scelta dei requisiti del programma di certificazione CSE considera gli effetti del prodotto in tutte le fasi del suo ciclo di vita.
I requisiti sono selettivi e misurabili e includono valori limite che devono essere rispettati per ottenere la certificazione. Inoltre, vengono regolarmente aggiornati in base all'evoluzione tecnologica e alle richieste del mercato.
The choice of requirements for the CSE certification programme considers the effects of the product at all stages of its life cycle. The requirements are selective and measurable and include limit values that must be met to obtain certification. In addition, they are regularly updated according to technological developments and market requirements.
Resource extraction
Who provides CSE certification
CSE certification is issued by ANFAO, the Italian Association of Optical Goods Manufacturers, in cooperation with Certottica - Italian Institute for the Certification of Optical Products, which acts as an independent certification body.

Visibility for certified companies
Products that achieve CSE certification are listed and published in the 'Certified Products' section of the website. The section can be consulted by end consumers looking for certified sustainable products, as well as by companies looking for partners and suppliers of excellence. This is an important showcase to make your brand known to a selected audience.

Frequently asked questions
1. Who can certify CSE?
It is open to all applicants, companies in the sector at international level who apply to join the Programme and obtain the CSE label and who are active in the supply chain, and in particular to those who produce: Raw Materials, Rods, Frontals, Metal Minutery, Plastic Minutery, Lenses and Complete Glasses.
2. What are the CSE evaluation criteria?
The Criteria identified consider the entire product life cycle as well as environmental, social, economic and technological factors. Specific Criteria are developed for each category and can be found on this page.
3. What standards is CSE certification based on?
The General Rules and Criteria are in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14020 and UNI EN ISO 14024.
4. How long does CSE certification last?
CSE certification will last for 3 years from the date of issue of the label. Upon expiry of the certificate, a new evaluation will be required.
5. How does CSE certification work for similar product groups?
If a company manufactures a series of similar products, i.e. products which differ only slightly from each other without affecting the labelling criteria (e.g. different colour and size variants for the same spectacle model), it will be possible to obtain group certification which will be valid for each individual product in the series. The decision on the applicability of group certification will be made by the certification body.